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PRSA-Maryland Names SGJC Professor as the 2017 PR Educator of the Year

photo of Dana Vickers ShelleyCongratulations to Morgan State University School of Global Journalism and Communication (SGJC) professor Dana Vickers Shelley for being named as the ‘2017 Public Relations (PR) Educator of the Year’ by the Public Relations Society of America-Maryland Board of Directors. Shelley, who is a faculty member in the Department of Strategic Communications, will be formally recognized at PRSA-Maryland’s “Best In Maryland” awards gala held on December 6.

“We are delighted to recognize Dana Vickers Shelley for preparing the next generation of public relations practitioners and industry leaders,” said Claudia Ciolfi, President of PRSA-Maryland and Manager of Public Relations and Strategic Communications at Chesapeake Employers Insurance Company. “Her efforts this year resulted in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) authorizing Morgan State University’s first Chapter, and underscore Dana’s commitment to guiding students from academic to professional success.”

Prior to Morgan State University, Shelley was director of public affairs for Southern Poverty Law Center, director of strategic communications at Annie E. Casey Foundation, and senior vice president at Fenton Communications and Edelman. Shelley has advised CEOs and senior leaders at Maryland-based organizations including Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers, Green and Healthy Homes Initiative, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

“I am deeply honored to be recognized by my colleagues in Maryland’s public relations industry with this award,” said Shelley. “Developing communicators whose advice and expertise will contribute to the success of enterprises and organizations in the future is most rewarding.”

Shelley holds an MPA in Executive Leadership from American University and a BA in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is a member of PRSA-Maryland, American Association of University Women, National Association of Black Journalists, and Native American Journalists Association. Professor Shelley joined Morgan in 2014.

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