Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Day 11 | Making Chinese Dumplings

Today, we woke up thankful! During the night Hangzhou experienced a short period of rain which allowed the temperature to cool off somewhat, but we still were experiencing a very …

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MSU Fulbright Students Study Abroad in Africa

Fulbright Students Study Abroad in Africa

Recently, Morgan’s Department of World Languages and International Studies sponsored the Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad, giving a group of students a unique opportunity for study internationally in the African countries of …

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Day 10 | Visiting the Song Dynasty

On our third full day in Hangzhou, we were finally getting accumulated to our new surroundings which were very different from Beijing. Our first lecture of the day centered on …

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Day 8 | Sightseeing

This morning, much to our dismay, the heat wave was still in effect and we had a full day of tours and sightseeing ahead of us. The first stop of …

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Day 6 | So Long Beijing

Today was our last full day in the City of Beijing. We began the morning with two lectures; the first session focusing on the Chinese Educational System was taught by …

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