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Making a long-term commitment to Morgan

Morgan State Newsroom slate

The recent unrest in Baltimore, involving primarily young African-Americans, highlights serious problems that for years have not been widely recognized. Maryland is a very affluent state and it is easy …

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Morgan Professor Appears on PBS Newshour Weekend

Photo credit: PBS Newshour

HARI SREENIVASAN, PBS NEWSHOUR WEEKEND ANCHOR: Of course, all week long, we’ve seen many young people from Sandtown-Winchester, other inner city Baltimore communities, along with many other concerned citizens, protesting the …

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Hundreds help clean up after Baltimore riots

BALTIMORE — Students from Morgan State University, local teachers, individuals who were out of school because of the closings and members of several fraternities methodically began cleaning the city after a …

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Morgan Students Making A Difference

Students from Morgan State take to the streets of Baltimore to clean up after the riots...with no media coverage.

Original article by Communities Digital News – “Baltimore: Force the media to tell the truth“ BALTIMORE, Maryland, April 29, 2015 − “What we have here is a failure to communicate…” If …

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